Second Post

Second Post

How it works

Note how most of the formatting, external links, widgets and transclusions get rendered on the frontend. You may choose which other fields to export/import by configuring the exporter and adjusting the imports on the frontend. For now, I skipped tags, because their listing and linking will not work automatically in the Next.js app. Internal links will not be working.

I have seen tiddlywiki inline images being published, too, but as they will get wikified/exported as text to "published.json" this is not recommendable. Better put all all your images inside of the "public/img/" folder and link to them like this:


It's not pretty in the tiddlywiki, but works okay on the frontend. The features of Next.js' <Image /> component with it's optimization will not get used though.

For the title images I added the "cover_image"-field containing only the file name, the path to the "public/img/" folder is added in the [slug].tsx file and hero-post.tsx and post-preview.tsx.